Septic Tank Problems
Common problems with septic tanks and septic systems include:
- Sewage build-up in the area over the drain field
- Clogs
- Water and sewage overflowing in the house
- Constant septic tank pumping
- Failure of septic system leading to replacement of drain field
Biospan Uses: septic tanks, home septic systems, industrial holding facilities, parks and recreational facilities, and commercial establishments.
Biospan Septic System Benefits:
- Clean septic tanks
- Liquefy organic waste
- Reduce offensive odors
- Clean the lines to and from the tank
- Destroy harmful pathenogenic bacteria
- Digest solids such as grease, soaps, toilet paper, and cellulose
- Eliminate digging, plumbing and snaking lines
- Eliminate pumping tanks and traps
- Eliminate back-up in lines and drains
- Eliminate the need to replace drain fields
- Prevent sewage wastewater from causing environmental pollution of ground water
- Digest waste in outdoor toilets
- Liquefy waste in RV holding tanks